What great relief it was to see the snow falling for this eagerly awaited training week for the Junior’s, especially after last year’s lacklustre corresponding week and the dismal season.
The snow was falling when we arrived and virtually didn’t let up all week except for a few patches of sunshine.
Conditions were wide ranging and contained everything from peppering blizzards to calm winds with heavy falling snow flakes.
According to the Illabunda Junior’s Official Snow Depth Gauge (on the orange pole outside the lodge), the snow depth rose from 0.4m on arrival to a satisfying 0.8m on departure. And the pole doesn’t lie.
The G S Race Coaching was once again conducted at Blue Cow with Perisher Blue coaches Damo and Heidi commending our juniors for their commitment and attentive attitude to training. Each child showed varied improvements by the week’s end.

Snowboard Training was at Perisher and was also well received and the usual enthusiasm and will to learn was evident.
Cross Country Training didn’t get the planned amount of time allotted due to the feral conditions but raw mongrel plays a big part on race day for our club.
Some of our junior’s were involved with NSW Inter schools races during the training week and did us proud by association.
Some of our junior’s were involved with NSW Inter schools races during the training week and did us proud by association.
Emma Gracie picked up a 3rd in Mogels, Skier Cross and Alpine and Tahlia Jackson excelled for a 1st in Alpine for her division and 3rd in Skier Cross. Well done girls.
A big thank you to our new lodge Managers Matt and Luanne, who’s baptism of fire went well with the littlies and I’m sure they will be appreciated by all members and guests.
Illabunda Junior’s also won the Snow ball fight against Telemark Lodge convincingly.
I look forward to seeing the entire Junior contingent for the Races in September.
Terry Dryburgh
Race Captain
Terry Dryburgh
Race Captain
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