Monday, 23 June 2008

Ski Fitness

The snow might be taking it's time to arrive, but that leaves us all some extra time to get ready to ski.

Long time friend of Illabunda, member in waiting and legendary super Physio Karyn Whelan has kindly supplied some info on getting fit to ski - Thanks Karyn!

Take a look:

by Karyn Whelan BAppScCumbMAppScSyd, Physiotherapist

  1. Start training 6 – 8 weeks prior to your ski trip.

  2. Improve your cardiovascular fitness with exercise that is relevant for downhill, cross country, and telemark skiing, and snowboarding such as:
    *stair climbing
    *step-ups and side-to-side jumps (see the cardiovascular exercises on the attached Australian Physiotherapy Association leaflet)
    *skateboarding or surfing (for snowboarders)

    Exercise for at least 40 minutes 3 x week.
    Exercise at lower intensities for longer periods to improve endurance, and for higher intensities for short periods (eg sprints or hills) to improve power.

  3. Improve the strength and endurance of relevant muscles.
    *see the strengthening exercises on the attached Australian Physiotherapy Association leaflet
    *Wall-sits can be progressed by doing them without using a wall.
    *Perform slow deep lunges with one leg in front of the other. Hold for at least 3 seconds. Swap legs. Repeat until your muscles feel tired. (Telemarkers could add a twist while lunging to mimic the turning action).

  4. Stretch to improve your flexibility.
    *see the stretching / warm up exercises on the attached Australian Physiotherapy Association leaflet

  5. Improve your Balance
    *side-to-side jumps (see the cardiovascular exercises on the attached Australian Physiotherapy Association leaflet)
    *one legged squats
    *skateboarding or surfing (for snowboarders)
    *lunges with a twist to mimic the turning action (for telemarkers)

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

A Message From The Race Captain

Hi Everyone.

Well, it’s that time of the year again and I’m sure that the white stuff will start falling soon. Let’s hope so anyway.

The first week of the school holidays will be here soon and that means the Illabunda Junior race team arrive at the lodge for their training program from the 7th July for the entire week.

We will be welcoming a few new faces to the team this year and hopefully they will enjoy the experience and benefit from the training.

Monday through to Friday will be the GS downhill training each morning for a few hours with a bit of Cross Country training thrown in on a couple of afternoons. The weekend will see the kids get stuck into the Snowboard training.

The main focus is to have fun while building on our great team spirit and hopefully fine tune their skills for the races in late August.

Bye for now.

Terry Dryburgh
Race Captain.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Nearly There

The long summer has now passed and we are just days away from the opening of the season.

Matt and Louanne, our fantastic managers, are in the lodge getting it ready for the busy season ahead.

Unfortunately the weather hasn't been kind over the last few weeks and there is only man made snow to kick off the season.

Even still, Illabunda is nearly booked out for the opening weekend with just two beds free!

Alpine Photographic Exhibition