Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Pirate's Tale Part Two

Hey guys,

Today after a light snow storm in the early hours of the morning, the crunchy frozen base combined with an inch of powder made for an interesting combination of skiing impracticability. The terrain park on Pipers was my pick of the day, an awesome combination of rails and jumps (which the groomers managed to work their magic on!)

The Bunda Challenge Day Two

Today Smiggins (in its tiny entirety) was covered. The 'snowboarder' Ellie would like to think she can manage on her own but on several occasions resorted to grabbing my pole for support!!! I cannot say I enjoyed the extra baggage, especially on the way back.

The crazy managing blogger would like it noted that his wife has been spotting doing something 'crazy'. He claims that the 'brain teasers' from the local magazine is 'silly'....something she blatantly denies. (He probably thinks its silly because he cant do them. Another reason why the guest bloggers should start a 'coo' of this blog. Now who looks silly?)

Well it's Ellie here now, and I would just like to defend myself against these allegations my sister is making about my laziness. She OFFERED to drag me from the top of the Link T-Bar and seriously, who could decline such a tempting offer? Anyway, she's not so innocent herself, she led me astray into trees and steeps, although I did make her drag me out as revenge.

So as you can tell, so far today has been quite interesting.

Something I forgot to mention yesterday, and wish I'd taken a photo of is an echidna in the snow, I know it isn't un-common to see these interesting ant-eaters whilst cross-countrying in the back-country, but this one was hiding out in the middle of Interceptor!! It would have to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. :)

So, I'm going to say adios to you for today!!

The Smiths

Monday, 13 August 2007

Pirate Bloggers

Hi There,

Well it seems the guest bloggers are more like pirate bloggers, so just to make sure you know who they are - here is a pic of them I snapped - catching them in the act!

Guest Blogger Report: Katherine and Elloise Smith

hi everybody,

Its Ellie here, and I'm here to report about the 13th of August at Perisher Blue.

The weather here is clear but the snow is, average. Although, Eyre and Towers were the pick over on Mt Perisher.

We're hoping for some great snow on Wednesday, to counter-act the recent rain which broke a lot of our spirits.

One interesting thing that happened today would have to be the debacle at the 'Over d'Eyre @ Eyre' kiosk. After warring for a seat and waiting half an hour in a queue, the four-dollar hot chocolates weren't as great as they're cracked up to be.

Today I'm seeming very negative, but other than that it was an amazing day out.

So now I'm going to hand over to my big sis Katie to tell us about her day. :)

The 'Bunda Challenge

The lighten the lack of inspiration and (I dare say) motivation I was finding common when thinking of my upcoming holiday, I set myself a 'challenge' of sorts.

By the end of the week (from Monday to Friday afternoon), I aspire to ride every single lift in Perisher Blue (at least those available to the general public, however a $10 bribe may buy the favour of a ski-school liftie).

Today I sought to conquer Mount Perisher and the perilous Center and Front Vallies. Eyre and Towers proved to be the pick of the Mountain though International was so icy it made you feel like throwing down your stocks and giving up the sport altogether.

The Center and Front vallies were a blast from the childhood past. Indeed I passed all stages of my skiing life on the way down. As a MILO kid resembling a lolly pop, trying to master the pizza slice technique, as a grade three to four (ten year old) managing parallel turns and as a younger teen black diamonder, a speed demon with no sense of control (i formed a very close relationship with lift pylons).

Anywho, tomorrows destination is Blue Cow!

Au Revoir!!!

The Smith Girls

PS The Smith girls would like to point out the obvious lack of sanity possessed by the Managing Blogger on this site and would like to start a movement to remove the managing blogger and instate the guest bloggers as permanent resident of this site. SO THERE.

PPS just kidding.

PPPS not