Thursday, 31 May 2007

Looking Good

Intermittent snow falls over the last couple of days have put close to 10cm of snow down. The snow is forecast to continue through to at least Tuesday next week.

This could be the makings of a great start to the season!

Here is a pic from Front Valley today!

If you look closely, you can see a couple of keen skiers looking for some early turns!

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Still Plenty Of Beds Available In Winter 2007

As usual the mid section of the season is heavily booked at Illabunda.

There are still plenty of vacancies available early and late in the season.

Heaps of beds are available in June and September, but there is still some room to found in early July.

So get your friends and family together, and take advantage of the best lodge in Perisher!

Check when beds are available here on the Illabunda Website.

Check This Out!

Well it isn't Perisher, but check it out all the same because it will give you a look at the snowfalls from last week. Enjoy!

2 Weeks To Go!

With only 2 weeks to go until season 2007 kicks off, its good to see some natural snow on the ground.

Last week saw around 10cm of snow fall on the mountains, along with the start of snowmaking in Perisher Valley.

Looks like there is another storm on the way next week, hopefully bringing more snow to solidify the start of the ski season.

Monday, 21 May 2007

Snow Is Falling

Great news - snow has been falling most of the day, it isn't quite sticking to the ground yet, but hopefully that will change overnight.

Stay tuned for further details on this fall - the first of many with luck!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

A Message From The Booking Officer

During the busiest time of the year for our hard working booking officer, he has asked for us all to remember the following:
  • The club does take credit card payments for bookings / accommodation
  • Your bookings need to be paid for within two weeks of your confirmation
  • The membership levy is long past due. If you haven't paid, please do so asap. Remember, your booking requests will not be processed until the levy has been paid!!

If you haven't put in your bookings yet, there are still beds available, so check the vacancies here on the Illabunda website!

Friday, 11 May 2007

Colder Weather

The first heavy frosts of the season have been reported in the mountains hopefully heralding the arrival of colder days.

Stay tuned for the first reports of snow and the start of snowmaking in Perisher Valley!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Perisher Blue Season Pass - Early Bird Discount

If you buy a season pass for Perisher Blue, or are thinking of it, then you might want to do so quickly.

Here are the benefits of getting the early bird pass:

- $100 off the regular retail Season Pass rate for Adults and $55 for Children

- 10% off Food & Beverage items at Perisher Blue outlets except confectionary and alcohol*
*Outlets include: All Blue Cow outlets; Guthega – Burning Log Bistro; Perisher Valley – Snow Gums
Restaurant, Jax Bar & Chargrill, Ski Rock Café and Bazil’s Bar; Bullocks Flat - Kiosk

- 20% off at Perisher Blue retail outlets*. Offer not valid for items already “on sale” and minimum purchase is $50.00
*Outlets include: Perisher Valley – Slopestyle Ski Shop & Addiction Snowboard Shop and Perisher Blue owned retail outlets at Smiggins and Bullocks Flat and Blue Cow.

- Season Passes will be waiting for you when you arrive at Perisher Blue. Avoid the queues at the season pass office and pick up your pre-printed season pass in Perisher Valley.

The only catch is you need to have your application in by the 11/5/07 - so hurry!

This page will give you the details on how to get one.

What is happening with the weather in the Snowy Mountains

With winter approaching, and temperatures getting colder, you might be wondering what the weather is doing down at the snow.

Even when the season has started and your trip to the lodge is coming up - you will want to know if there is any new snow on the horizon.

You can listen to the reports from the resorts, which sometimes can be a bit of a marketing spiel.

Or you can go to this site. It is the Bureau of Meteorology's forecast for the NSW Snow Mountains.